Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Earth Hour, Kash and all that...

March 28

Most of the guys in the wing had gone home. Some of them coz it was Ugadi and some others just coz it was a weekend!!! Kash(Aakash), weird as it may seem, decided not to go home. Well, after how some events unfolded, i hardly am surprised. Oh btw, it reminds me the purpose of this post. First of all, thanks to all those who said that the post were good. Pity praises? Not that it is inspiring or anything( :P) but that it is a relief to know that Iam not the only one who is reading this. Anyways, Kash read my blog too and he said,"U need to show a fuck all attitude in your blog!!!". Now thats the nature of this guy, he "suggests" stuff. Never really implements anything. So, dude, this one's dedicated to you. You get what you asked for :D and Iam not sorry at all.

Back to that day. We d our lunch and when we came back to the wing, we saw Kash with that "grin"on his face. Whenever he has something to tell, he grins and then when people ask him why, he tells the story. And so this time, we didnt :D Finally, when he couldn't resist the temptation anymore he came up to us and said," Guys. What do u think abt that Earth hour crap. Wat say we all do the exact opposite of it. Keep all the lights on. Let us show wat morons ppl are!!". Honestly, at that moment, I really didn't decide what I wanted to do about the Earth Hour. Hell, I didnt even know much abt it. But after he said that, I felt that, with the world made up of sadists like these, maybe such a thing is necessary. Plus, I really liked the idea of going to the terrace :P So, I told him to fk off!!!

Later that night, when the time came(8.30 PM), I promptly switched off all the lights and then we all went to the terrace. It was amazing. It always feels nice when we go to the terrace. I wonder why we dont do that more often. For some reason, I felt like listening to "Emosanal Atyachar" :P Not that I was feeling this was any kind of atyachar. I was wondering why not, instead of doing this, the Govts decide to have a worldwide power cut on that very hour.

Finally, after it was over, we went back to the wing only to find Kash's room locked with all the lights on inside it. Kash, for all the shit that you told us in the afty, u didnt even hav the balls to own up to wat u did. Shame on U!!!! Now hows that for attitude? :)

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